Spread love through flowers.

Bright and Cheerful Bouquet

This bouquet is sure to make the recipient happy and energized. It will be full of seasonal bright, colorful, and cheerful flowers. Exact varieties, colors, and vase are designers choice and will vary from the photo shown depending on availability.

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Soft, Pastel Bouquet

This bouquet is sure to calm, soothe, and relax the recipient. It is designed with seasonal soft, pastel flowers. Exact varieties, colors, and vase are designers choice and will vary from the photo shown.

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Dark, Moody Bouquet

This bouquet is sure to evoke deep emotion. It will be full of seasonal, dark, and moody flowers. Exact varieties, colors, and vase are designers choice and will vary from the photo shown.

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"Thanks for making me look like the birthday hero!!!

Kayte G.

"My friend was so happy and is enjoying her gorgeous arrangement. The whole process was so easy."

Stephanie H.

"Marie hand delivered the flowers and they were beautiful! I highly recommend her floral business for any occasion."

Sumi D.